Fertile Isle of our Blessed Land

Thumbnail of the map 'Fertile Isle of our Blessed Land'

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Author ganteka
Tags action author:ganteka minejumper rated
Created 2009-01-19
Last Modified 2009-01-19
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description And down to the depths, a million fathoms of untraveled oceans, spurned reefs, and neglected sinkholes of fiery lava. A trillion seas for the Mother of all Seas and a billion times over the depth of the mar.

Edit: Uncheatable

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cave of Blue Diamonds' Thumbnail of the map 'Blocky Robotics' Thumbnail of the map '00/21: Ink Blotch' Thumbnail of the map '00/23: Rising, Setting Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Fish Bowl' Thumbnail of the map 'I Sing the Body Electric'
Cave of Blue Diamonds Blocky Robotics 00/21: Ink Blotch 00/23: Rising, Setting Sun Gold Fish Bowl I Sing the Body Electric


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I got all the gold and the exit key!

(Just not to the exit! XD)
Demo Data
Demo Data
I think this map is impossible to beat :S

How to beat

I couldn't complete this map. How can i pass the lowest mine? Can anyone who completed it post the demo?


was pretty fun, nice jumper.



that was 4 things added an extra one for free

3 things

1) Thanks for help but I still don't know how to get past the one ways.
2) checkout this crazy demo I managed to survive falling to the ground
3) Have you seen this map it has a similar feel very well done but too hard in my opinion
4) You didn't need to necessarily make it uncheatable as long as the proper route was the fastest it has a nice puzzley feel about it
Demo Data

okay thanks

made it uncheatable

go to the left, jump of the thwump to get through the mines on the left, go around and under, then up by means of the trap door and around


won't rate till you or someone else posts a demo cause at the moment I think I just don't get it

I Don't get it

is this cheating is there a proper route to do it could you post a demo I'm confused
Demo Data
love to hear feedback