Spiral of trials

Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral of trials'

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Author Kumquaticus
Tags author:kumquaticus evil hard mines skill unrated
Created 2009-01-18
Last Modified 2009-01-18
Map Data

Description Sorry, I was bored.
If anyone completes this, please include a video demo, especially if it is an all gold run.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'You have no chance to survive' Thumbnail of the map 'Volcano' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Volcano' Thumbnail of the map 'Another Flippin' dda.' Thumbnail of the map 'Never taunt a rocket.'
You have no chance to survive Volcano Electric Volcano Another Flippin' dda. Never taunt a rocket.


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nice level. the only hard parts were the parts that had mines. are some of those parts even possible?