Chop Suey!

Thumbnail of the map 'Chop Suey!'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper unrated
Created 2009-01-10
Last Modified 2009-01-10
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ded to Im_Bad_At_N for getting the answer to the other map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Toxicity' Thumbnail of the map 'Sugar' Thumbnail of the map 'Left 4 Dead' Thumbnail of the map '1 = T in my Y' Thumbnail of the map '103 = O on this M' Thumbnail of the map 'Why So Down?'
Toxicity Sugar Left 4 Dead 1 = T in my Y 103 = O on this M Why So Down?


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2 things, maxson said what I said. and woo soad!


it's fun but it's a pain lol, everytime I try speeding this I hit a mine, gotta take it slow and strategically, great tileset and ideas! fun map, I feel like somethings missing, I don't know what or where, but it's missing. its still really good nonetheless, 4/5 (actual rate 4.5/5) great work!
haha difficult, but fun
Demo Data

Brilliant game play

but I don't like the tiles this is a slow agd 3.6/5 +1 for SOAD refrences
Demo Data


Modify the center with locked+trap doors, so that you can come out of another side on the second time through.
are the best 40 seconds ever in music imo.

Something was missing here; idk what, but it's lacking something. 4/5