U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret v.2

Thumbnail of the map 'U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret v.2'

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Author MTO
Tags action author:mto fun gauss insane turret unrated
Created 2009-01-09
Last Modified 2009-01-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A resub of the previous map, with less turrets, but more playability :D I guess it can't really be called insanity anymore... :( Fastest AGD gets a DED, for real this time. Tell me if this map is any better.

Other maps by this author

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Trapped Frustrating Climb Crouching ninja, hidden thwump U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret?


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I dunno how that happened, I had no intention to spam this crappy map, srry about that.

Ima post an AGD soon.
This one is much better than the first; a little gold spam, but that's not nearly as bad as gauss spam. 2.5, and I guess I can round it up due to improvement :)

Delist this map.

You posted it twice.

plezez delist the other one