U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret?

Thumbnail of the map 'U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret?'

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Author MTO
Tags action author:mto fun funner gauss turret unrated
Created 2009-01-08
Last Modified 2009-01-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Gauss turret insanity :D

Fastest AGD gets a DED

Other maps by this author

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Trapped Frustrating Climb Crouching ninja, hidden thwump


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hey guys check out my resubmitted version of this map, maybe you can complete that one ;)
thanx for the website

Lol understandable

Read this thread []. It should teach you everything you need to know :P

Thanks for the comments, I'm a n00b mapmaker at present
just constructive
Agreed with rule, 1/5

At the very least, if you wanted to create a map with lots of gausses, you should have made seperate parts of the map with a few gausses each, with different tiles to create unique gameplay. This was too much, and frankly, just not fun.


It called Gauss Turret Insanity for a reason, not just Lots of Turrets. :) I'll post an AGD demo soon
Was turning around to go down again. There were way to many gausses, don't do that.
1/5 not cool.
Demo Data