
Thumbnail of the map 'Invisable.'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper rated unrated
Created 2009-01-02
Last Modified 2009-01-02
by 5 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge - Loading' Thumbnail of the map 'The Storm (Resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Get Some BackBone' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing' Thumbnail of the map 'Go Ahead Dance' Thumbnail of the map 'Shits N' Giggles'
Simple Challenge - Loading The Storm (Resub) Get Some BackBone Dancing Go Ahead Dance Shits N' Giggles


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But not bad. It has potential, and this one also looks nice. 3.5
But I really didn't like the map, and it kind of reminds me of this hand [].


He wasn't making a smart-ass reply. If your going to to make ironic comments on how to help someone map better, I'd suggest you learn how to map better yourself.


you should really learn to spell before giving smart-ass ironic replies. and put some real effort into your maps. you're a good example of what NUMA has become in the last few months.

so just stick

to one pattern? wow i wish some told me that sooner and how is there to much gold?


probably meant 'invisible'.
i would reconsider the following things:
*gold pattern (more consistency, stick to one pattern)
*amount of gold (definitely too much)
*enemy placement (most of the time, the enemies weren't really threatening you. especially in the right part of the map).

but hey, not too bad overall, and fun to play.
Demo Data


lil challenging but its fun. 4/5


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