Go Ahead Dance

Thumbnail of the map 'Go Ahead Dance'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags action author:gods_reaper ded fun rated
Created 2008-12-31
Last Modified 2008-12-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Dont be Afraid we wont laugh, it may be tuff but i'll help out.

Ded to Jasdanu for beating my map "The Storm (Resub)"
hope you like this

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Walk Hard' Thumbnail of the map '48 Hours' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge - Loading' Thumbnail of the map 'The Storm (Resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Get Some BackBone' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing'
Walk Hard 48 Hours Simple Challenge - Loading The Storm (Resub) Get Some BackBone Dancing


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so do i so shut up

Seems like tileset

took precedence over gameplay here.


was to RadiumFalcon


wasnt made to be pritty. and the gameplays fun so get self checked man.
But other than that, this is a fun map.

Very ugly.

Very. The gold was generic and messy, one-ways looked OK, and I wasn't a fan of the tiles. Gameplay was bland as well.



thx for the ded. 5/5 and faved