Try me -for free-

Thumbnail of the map 'Try me -for free-'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player free playable rated tryme
Created 2008-12-31
Last Modified 2008-12-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Don't worry, it doesn't bite.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part XV: Reinvented / Reassured' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XVI: Whatever it is; it's cool' Thumbnail of the map 'Backed into a corner.' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XVII: E-P: Erik-Player' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XVIII: Jesus was here.' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XIX: Life boat -Let's hope we live-'
Part XV: Reinvented / Reassured Part XVI: Whatever it is; it's cool Backed into a corner. Part XVII: E-P: Erik-Player Part XVIII: Jesus was here. Part XIX: Life boat -Let's hope we live-


Pages: (0)


Another classic font map :P


But decidedly average. There isn't anything glaringly wrong and the design is competent, but the placements and tileset are determinedly unexceptional.


The gold placement was top-notch and the trap doors at the end really made the map. 4/5.

yup. lol

I just wanna say hi!
lol yeah i went and saw a little kid movie with my younger brother lol

Pretty slow

Demo Data


my bad

i really

like the gold placement. the level was good to. 4/5