Mammoth Cave

Thumbnail of the map 'Mammoth Cave'

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Author Rambo5252
Tags author:rambo5252 dda incomplete lasers rated rockets
Created 2008-12-20
Last Modified 2008-12-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Cave dda, took forever to make (like 3-4 hours atleast)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Go eggo muffin man, Go!' Thumbnail of the map 'Twinkle Twinkle' Thumbnail of the map 'Underwater escape' Thumbnail of the map 'Rambo' Thumbnail of the map 'Run, jump, run some more' Thumbnail of the map 'The dojo'
Go eggo muffin man, Go! Twinkle Twinkle Underwater escape Rambo Run, jump, run some more The dojo


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cheated demo.

gold delay is a big negative, as is the amount of launchpads.

3, but I expect to see improvement from you.
Demo Data


ur saying i have no skillz?Dude have u ever made a dda, do u know how hard it is to not use gold delay, and ur saying if u use gold delay it means u suck at dda's because u cant move the ninja around?
It allows you to pass 'over' things and therefore pass through one place, twice. This means that you are unskilled in propelling the ninja where you want him to be. For example, a switch is place in the middle of a DDA that opens a trap door for propulsion. But you touch the switch in the beginning of the DDA. you don't want that, so instead of propelling the ninja in another direction, you add gold, so the trap door is activated the second time the ninja passes over it, which shows lack of skill.


is that it makes the map take longer to load and makes it laggier, and most of the time it's not necessary. And launchpads aren't bad, but they're so easy to use it's usually more impressive to use some other propulsion method, which may even work better. If you do use a launchpad, though, make sure it's used very well.
4/5 - nice, but I wish there was less blocking the rockets.

2.5/5 down

An average dda nothing exiting or new. To much gold delay though and I didn't like the launch pads.

no dought.



i think, maybe, all the "great" dda makers set rules, like im not going to use gold delay or bounce pads then that became the norm for everone to follow? idk.

Remember my dda?

That's probably the epitome of what Lightning seems to be on about.

I really dont see what everyone has against gold delay, tho.


Tonnes of gold delay, lots of blocking, but great length. Also, it was very good at the beginning but as it went on, all the trapdoors blocked everything and it there was little action at the end. Love the use of varied propulsion, though you seem to favor trapdoors. You didn't loop around, you kinda went up left, up right, bottom left, bottom right. You should have the ninja explore the same spots at different times throughout the DDA and reuse any objects to make it longer, more effective, and more impressive. Still, a pretty good DDA.


4 o sorry caps


Good close calls, great beginning. Nothing to complain about except cave ddas are overrated (not in the literal sense) 4