14-0 Radio

Thumbnail of the map '14-0 Radio'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags action author:amomentlikethis playable rated v1.4b
Created 2008-12-18
Last Modified 2008-12-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '12-4 Aspirin' Thumbnail of the map '13-0 Myself' Thumbnail of the map '13-1 Predicament' Thumbnail of the map '13-2 Another Predicament' Thumbnail of the map '13-3 Dream' Thumbnail of the map '13-4 Matter'
12-4 Aspirin 13-0 Myself 13-1 Predicament 13-2 Another Predicament 13-3 Dream 13-4 Matter


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it was a bit weird that if you fell with enough speed on the launchpads you suicide but decent map..


it's a tie-o.
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Demo Data
The reason why this looks like it's to challenge Templex is because of the two rules of his gym: the only enemies can be floorguards and mines, and it has to be relaxed. This map meets both criteria.


I don't use the forums, but I presume that's a contest.
Boring :)

For Neditor Nation

the floorguard gym

Kinda bland imo

Tbh, this looks more like a map that's designed to challenge Templex. I like most of your maps, but this one just feels incomplete. 2.5^
Loved the twist. You know what I mean :P

That's the best

map I've played all week. It's really fun. So simple yet so freaking awesome. I think maybe a gauss or two would have added a little more challenge. I like d how you had to hit the launch pads just right or you'd splat. 5aved XD