MiNi N series. 0-0

Thumbnail of the map 'MiNi N series. 0-0'

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Author Neath_X
Tags author:neath_x mini playable small unrated
Created 2008-12-09
Last Modified 2008-12-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description So i manage to Edit the Player. Yippie!! (nReality needed)
Mini Sized.

YOu can now go through
Small spaces
(I have to well... cluster mines a bit, sorreh for lag)
and i made it so you can... Not die from high heights. Sometimes

At the end with the floor guards, make the bottom one (one with huge land) all the way to the left. Then get the switch, if you left if on the right, it will be impossible to get out.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Circle Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Sweet, Simple, Deadly' Thumbnail of the map 'Veins' Thumbnail of the map 'Shaky Towers' Thumbnail of the map 'Nreality, AGAIN' Thumbnail of the map 'Basic Survival with Nreality'
Circle Run Sweet, Simple, Deadly Veins Shaky Towers Nreality, AGAIN Basic Survival with Nreality


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please make more!!

Ok i think i have the solution!

After starting N reality, Wait like a minute or 2, Then load it. It should work.

Ok now i see the problem, imma try to fix it

It doesn't

work. I dont know why but your mod is right.. omfg NReality is going to suck..


You should be using Nreality. Arey ou?

it doesnt work


It may be just my version, but the character isn't small... do i need to edit the data?