Basic Survival with Nreality

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Author Neath_X
Tags author:neath_x experiment lol survival unrated
Created 2008-12-09
Last Modified 2008-12-09
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You got 50 jumps, live the most of it.

Can't survive cause you just ran out of jumps? the Rocky Drones was built there for a reason

Laser drones were built to try and get you in a small area, escape quickly!

Rockets to ... Snip you when your cornered.

Have fun being sniped

Other maps by this author

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BounceBlockTower Circle Run Sweet, Simple, Deadly Veins Shaky Towers Nreality, AGAIN


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Demo Data

I know

Only that, if you run out of jumps, you better have to land to refill it, or your dead...


Demo Data

I mean

you can stand on the drones and wallside