Comments on "Epitacia"

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I like this.

4aved - sad to see you go. By the looks of it, you're a good author. Good luck with your music.

Demo Data

All is good

so long as you had fun with your time here, and you learnt a few things, it wasn't a waste of time.
Demo Data


Well, good luck with that.


I really need to get working on my music.
take out the 'Or Dont' part, im not trying to be sad

5 from me


Is this permanent, or is this the thing where you said you would make a few more maps, then leave for a little while?
Demo Data

You are,

or should i say were a great mapper, drop in every now and then. Or dont, any way, good luck. :)


Most of you guys were cool. On the other hand, a lot of you guys were asses...