Granny's Little Yard Gnomes

Thumbnail of the map 'Granny's Little Yard Gnomes'

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Author bluenin
Tags action author:bluenin rated
Created 2008-11-24
Last Modified 2008-11-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description And other decorative bric-a-brac.

Please enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Eric's Trip' Thumbnail of the map 'Crying*' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Paint Factory' Thumbnail of the map 'Nonconsequentiallineage' Thumbnail of the map 'Portal' Thumbnail of the map 'She Has Eyes'
Eric's Trip Crying* In the Paint Factory Nonconsequentiallineage Portal She Has Eyes


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no, eganic

this is a quick-ish AGD

The drone timing was perfect. I met up with the first one three times and got an awesome close call off the second one. The exit key area wasn't too hard, there's always an easy way to do things.
Demo Data

Maximo, bluenin,

The tiles exist, first and foremost to facilitate gameplay. There's nothing wrong with e and 1 tiles in that regard. If the gameplay is good there's no reason to comment on lay of the land. If it is lacking, as I feel it is in this instance, I look for some other redeeming quality such as interesting and well thought out tiles, which are also absent in this work. You said it yourself, good tiles take long hard work and end up looking awesome; surely there's a time and a place to appreciate them.

Uhh... maximo?

We *did* make a 500-map pack of maps primarily with E-tiles and 1-slopes, and it *was* better than 95% of the maps with "Less boring tiles."

Thanks maximo

You said that much better than I could have. And the exit switch did bother me a bit...
but needs to be said...

Good god, please tell me what is boring about these tiles? That it is obvious he spent his time playtesting the drone timing, since it's perfect throughout? Or that he didn't spend hours making 3 and 4 slopes so it looks like the tiles exploded into a pile of awesome. I mean serriously? These tiles are crisp, clean, effective, and play damn well. I'm absolutely disgusted with the atidute that e tiles and 1 slopes don't make a good map anymore. I mean serriously, I could make a 500 map pack of maps with only e tiles and 1 slopes better than 95% of the maps with "less boring tiles." This game is minimalism ad nasuseum, don't make it something it is not.

Your map was very good, the part with the exit switch bothered me as being unecessarily hard, but I can respect the design there with the well timed drone coming to kill you. Sorry I hijacked your map for a rant.


Too slow for it's length, boring tiles.

quick agd

pretty fun, metanesque.
Demo Data