26-0 Fault

Thumbnail of the map '26-0 Fault'

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Author ChaoStar
Tags action author:chaostar race rated
Created 2008-11-11
Last Modified 2008-11-11
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description race map. experimental in my style.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '25-0 of Those slain' Thumbnail of the map 'of those who are insightful (tileset)' Thumbnail of the map '25-1 of those who are impassive' Thumbnail of the map '25-2 of Life' Thumbnail of the map '25-4 of Mice' Thumbnail of the map '25-3 of Death'
25-0 of Those slain of those who are insightful (tileset) 25-1 of those who are impassive 25-2 of Life 25-4 of Mice 25-3 of Death


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but i really dont get what you mean...
btw sid, I just remembe that the avvie is from xxxHolic

Too tight

you also seem to 'hit' corners, rather than run onto, or across them

not good for a race imo NR


very innovative :)


I didn't notice any real difference with the thwump, and I noticed that the thing that makes the thwump worse is the one-way over the rocket above it. Since you have to be facing towards it and pressing against it to walljump off of it, it's difficult to pull off. Missing it causes you to run right into the thwump, then consequently the mines.

My 2 cents.


your tileset...
nice race map...

Get off my case

about the avatar.
Izzy made me an awesome sig, and I cropped an avatar from that. I like this one, and it'll stay for a while!
but... I'll post a demo of the way that isnt repetitive...

yeah that thwump...

im gonna edit it.
the avatar is... I sont know. kinda creepy.

The twump,

kinda blocked the flow. Especially once you get the switch.
Other than that, it was pretty racy :)
But the mechanics were solid, altho the flow was a little sketchy at points. 3.5 up