25-2 of Life

Thumbnail of the map '25-2 of Life'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChaoStar
Tags action author:chaostar rated
Created 2008-11-07
Last Modified 2008-11-07
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description prelude. speed runner. back to the norm, after the (disaster?) of my n-art

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '24-1 of Angels and Demons' Thumbnail of the map '24-2 of hatchets and butter knives' Thumbnail of the map '24-3 of Those who wield rulers' Thumbnail of the map '25-0 of Those slain' Thumbnail of the map 'of those who are insightful (tileset)' Thumbnail of the map '25-1 of those who are impassive'
24-1 of Angels and Demons 24-2 of hatchets and butter knives 24-3 of Those who wield rulers 25-0 of Those slain of those who are insightful (tileset) 25-1 of those who are impassive


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Demo data

Demo Data


but I like it. 3.5


It's alright, ugly though. Kinda short too


Worth the rating. I mean seriously guys.


Demo Data

slowest agd yet

i dont really like the map
Demo Data


A Gay Demo!
Demo Data

I do not have fear;
I had a faster in stock.
Tremble before it.
Demo Data

as I explained...

due to some unknown reason, it changes the look of the level when it renders the thumbnail.

wow, this is rated 5, beat you sidke.
I wonder what the difference was, then...

this level is really fun,4, check out my latest map

I came upon this,
a much faster AGD.
Cherish it dearly.

~ a haiku
Demo Data

oh yeah...

here's how the art is s'posed to look like.[\IMG]


like the gauss
Demo Data

Cool map

If not a bit simple, still a fun challenge. Altho I felt more could have been done without detracting from the simplicity. 3.5 up