Machines For Living

Thumbnail of the map 'Machines For Living'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt floorchasers guitarchitect machines rated thwumps
Created 2008-11-04
Last Modified 2008-11-04
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description You need the machines to live, just try not to get killed by them... RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thundering Rickety Rides of the C21st' Thumbnail of the map 'Maggots in a Sapphire Peach' Thumbnail of the map 'Mayan Tribal Chieftain' Thumbnail of the map 'Brutefish' Thumbnail of the map 'Microscopic Beach' Thumbnail of the map 'This Cheese Tastes Better Than AMLT's :P'
Thundering Rickety Rides of the C21st Maggots in a Sapphire Peach Mayan Tribal Chieftain Brutefish Microscopic Beach This Cheese Tastes Better Than AMLT's :P


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I loved it

(just a heads up, i've been using "beneath you" a lot lately)

gold placement was ugly and also amatuerish, but i would expect that i suppose. you're just so used to the old style that you've gotton a little rusty on your other mapping skills. i think. i liked most of the thwump things going on here.

actually, i agree with Power_Fiend's first comment

cant wait to see your "future enterprise"


I Found It!

yea, way different then i would expect tile-wise

very fun to screw around in tho


a crazy hard map an yet really fun 4/5

Epic Speedrun

Demo Data


I wont ruin the surprise of my future enterprise here, not yet...
and finally a map that does not have repeating surface patterns, like all your last 6 or more.

loved it


Pretty neat

Although it would have been better if it was more puzzly.

3.5 up