free faller

Thumbnail of the map 'free faller'

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Author Kaylab
Tags author:kaylab easy fun unrated
Created 2008-10-27
Last Modified 2008-10-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description have fun :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Odd looking map i made' Thumbnail of the map 'Run to the Circus' Thumbnail of the map 'In The Valley' Thumbnail of the map 'Monster Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Mice' Thumbnail of the map 'Monkey Fist of Fury'
Odd looking map i made Run to the Circus In The Valley Monster Map Mice Monkey Fist of Fury


Pages: (0)


fast as


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just kuz i was bored
Demo Data

first try

speed run
the only good thing was the tiles
Demo Data
tiles showed some hope but your ruined it a little..
3, rounded up from 2.5, this is bung on average, the gameplay was boring, the tiles were alright.
dont tag things as fun either, i feel like rounding down now that i think of that.
anyway, thats my hints at this, sorry for being a bit scathing (this is good for me) but you can do better if you put the work in. go look at some pro authors and see how they do their tiles. then look at yours and go "oh, i should have left that straight maybe"


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