
Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy'

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Author sniper28
Tags author:sniper28 awesome crazy level unrated
Created 2008-10-15
Last Modified 2008-10-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Can you beat this level?


Pages: (0)

The side doors...

Weren't that much harder to get to.

Slow demo.
Demo Data

i can beat it. and its easiest to try for the middle door


and its not a great map, for example i dont like the hidden thwumps, and its too difficult to get the top doors, so 2/5
Demo Data

I retract that

It's not really that odd. But I'm still not sure what to rate it.


AGD. Odd level, I'm not really sure what to rate it yet.
Demo Data