Wet Sand

Thumbnail of the map 'Wet Sand'

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Author Arona_Daal
Tags admusic author:arona_daal hard playable redhot rockets unrated
Created 2008-09-30
Last Modified 2009-01-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This one is pretty hard, but it was (almost) a joke without the rockets.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stone River' Thumbnail of the map 'White Elephants' Thumbnail of the map 'The First Men in the Moon' Thumbnail of the map 'Cubic Centrifuge' Thumbnail of the map 'Paws' Thumbnail of the map 'Desecration Smile'
Stone River White Elephants The First Men in the Moon Cubic Centrifuge Paws Desecration Smile


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slow cheetah

would be cool


the names are good.


A stadium arcadium series?