Cubic Centrifuge

Thumbnail of the map 'Cubic Centrifuge'

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Author Arona_Daal
Tags action adclimber author:arona_daal mines playable rocket unrated
Created 2008-09-28
Last Modified 2009-02-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Played around with tile patterns.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lone Duck' Thumbnail of the map 'Towers of Power' Thumbnail of the map 'Death of a Martian' Thumbnail of the map 'Stone River' Thumbnail of the map 'White Elephants' Thumbnail of the map 'The First Men in the Moon'
Lone Duck Towers of Power Death of a Martian Stone River White Elephants The First Men in the Moon


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that was clever

what you did with the tiles and the floorguards at the top

i absolutely *love*

the 2 pieces of gold second from lower right. i like games that involve both action and the occasional puzzle (think half-life), and this was a fun addition. like the tileset. err, meh otherwise. 4/5


Demo Data

Even faster.


Faster Speedrun

Demo Data

Speed run

cool map fun
Demo Data
I aded some thwumps and rejigged the lauchpads, hopefully it works, If not, youve proved me wrong :P

Cubic Centrifuge []

I tried

rockets everywhere else, but the only place that a single rocket could reach you everywhere, and look good at the same time, was in the center.
are simply to add speed to an AGD. My biggest fault while making maps is having to add difficulty to every piece of gold. Heres the demo for the bottom section.
Demo Data

Okay, specific tips

>Put the exit in the bottom middle section, so that the jumper isnt that necessary, it seemed too hard comapred with the rest of the map.
>Ditch the floorchasers and the centre rocket, and put rockets in the top and bottom sections.
>Place the bouncepads more effectively.

Ill make a version on debug version and give you a link, see wat u think :P
The gauss was fairly well placed, and the rocket did a fair job at keeping up the momentum. But was the floorchaser section really necessary? I appreciate it adds difficulty to the jumper but sometimes they catch him unfairly as he brushes past the corner of a wall mid wall-jump. And only the centre bouncepad had any necessary role imo. But its still alrite, just needed a bit more polish imo. Id still like to see a demo for the bottom section :P
but you get tired fast of people using extremely vague comments to sound like a good map-rater or something. I want something specific that I can improve on.


The bottom is a climber. Please tell me exactly how I shoehorned the gameplay into this "concept". I happened to really like this map, and I think it's one of the best I've made in a while.

Not that good imo

Id like to see a demo on how to get that bottom gold. Its solid enough, but it really feels like the gameplay was shoehorned into the concept. Imo, the rocket was placed there more for effect than gameplay. I cant give this more than a 3.