
Thumbnail of the map 'Spaz'

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Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated
Created 2008-09-23
Last Modified 2008-09-23
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description You want a crazy rocket dodger?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'JDJALD"EAA' Thumbnail of the map 'Picowi' Thumbnail of the map 'OH MY AWESOME' Thumbnail of the map 'Pshey' Thumbnail of the map 'Drinking file cabinents' Thumbnail of the map 'Corpse'
JDJALD"EAA Picowi OH MY AWESOME Pshey Drinking file cabinents Corpse


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O.K., I lied. It's not that much faster, though...
Demo Data


This is sweet. Like, really sweet.


P.S. Life247: Damn you and your 1 frame faster AGD. I'm too lazy to do better.
Demo Data
It's just surfaces for you to run arond on. I can't stain the tiles or the bounce blocks with blue glitter.

perfect rockets,

but the rest is just sub-par. 3.5 up.
Demo Data

speed run

agd soon.
Demo Data


and very cheatable
Demo Data

Cheat demo

came to a stand still

was thinking
Demo Data


I love what I did at the end, that is really cool.
Demo Data


I always manage to do that...

agd soon.
Demo Data
I did pause the game quite a lot using the capslock key (in debug mode), though. However, I didn't really FBF it.

Although it's not really innovative, it's still really fun. 4/5.
Demo Data

very fun

almost made it 4/5


the obvious solution is to get it while you can.

(King of the hill)
Demo Data

Stupid trap doors

I was gonna get those gold pieces later...
Demo Data
Maybe play around in there a bit.

Demo Data