Rooms of worry

Thumbnail of the map 'Rooms of worry'

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Author bob21
Tags author:bob21 gold medium of rooms unrated worry
Created 2008-09-09
Last Modified 2008-09-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Okay, this is pretty simple, but there are 3 things you must know if you are to complete this map;

1. Sometimes, timing can be everything; speed and agility can be worthless.

2. Do not be fooled by golden welcomes.

3. Falling is never a bad thing; we are always lifted soon after, usually by ourselves.

Have fun :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just plain mean' Thumbnail of the map 'Lock it all up' Thumbnail of the map 'Airborne' Thumbnail of the map 'Door to door to... huh?' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm just so tired...' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce blocks saved my life'
Just plain mean Lock it all up Airborne Door to door to... huh? I'm just so tired... Bounce blocks saved my life


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How cheerful

You know, I've stopped making these maps because all I get for my wasted time is a bunch of emos complaining that it's either too easy or too hard! So you can all swivel as far as I'm concerned!
hidden under clumps of gold. Its obvious you're hiding something there. It doesnt look good, not does it function well. 1.5/5 down