Just plain mean

Thumbnail of the map 'Just plain mean'

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Author bob21
Tags author:bob21 hard just mean plain unrated
Created 2008-07-17
Last Modified 2008-07-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Quite difficult, simply because I just placed loads of stuff that can kill you with very little difficulty. Have a go... if you think you're hard enough!

Other maps by this author

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Rockstar a-MAZE-ing! Boosh Back "N" Forth Quazrum Frasier's Seattle


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Thanks, but I have one thing to say... I like using z snap for random placing, and I will continue to use it when it seems fitting. Still, thanks anyway =]

First Try

I didnt complete it, but its quite easy. Theres too much open space to run, too many mines that wont do anything...Chaingun and laser drones are easy as long as you keep moving. Zap drones are just pointless unless in a prisoner map. The locked door at the end isnt needed to complete. 1/5. Im giving you tips this time instead of remaking your maps =P Also, dont use Z snap anymore.
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