
Thumbnail of the map 'Shaft'

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Author newt42
Tags action author:newt42 fun playable rated weird
Created 2008-08-30
Last Modified 2008-08-30
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is the first map I have submitted. There isn't much to say about it, so enjoy.


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NICE one

good map
Demo Data

death demo

I've certainly seen worse. I see the point of the launchpads, but the concept of the chainguns with floorguard needs to be exploited further.
Demo Data

Another agd.

4\5 for a first. Good job.
Demo Data


I think the main problem with your demo is that you were much too cautious.

I know

my demo is very disapointing, becouse I am jsut not good with chainguns


not bad for a first..
Demo Data
If you want to see someone is truly "amazing", look for xaelar's demos on other maps. He usually beats everyone's demos. (Although I have beaten him in some cases, but that's very rare)

Faster (sub-800) AGD.
Demo Data


Meta_Ing isnt that amazing (still better than me). As for this map, the only thing amazing was the last chamber. I think it would be a little better with a floorguard on the bottom with the gold. The first drop, nothing special... The exit switch room, meh. The gauss chamber = zzz. The last chamber, WO0T

Wumbla, I'm disappointed you did an over 1.5k frame AGD. Unacceptable...(jk)

3/5, not something I give on a first map without first map bonus (something I like to do). 3/5 + 1/5 = 4/5, a bit high, but its your first map, so meh.
Demo Data


intresting beggining.

very slow compared to meta_ing, well that's becouse he's amazing... (:
Demo Data


(All Gold Demo)
Demo Data