
Thumbnail of the map 'WAWAWAWAWA!!!!11!!!one!!'

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Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated t
Created 2008-08-10
Last Modified 2009-05-18
by 44 people.
Map Data

Description I decided to make a good map to end the day.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nucking Futs' Thumbnail of the map 'Sunbeam Giant Bread' Thumbnail of the map 'Failure to kill yourself' Thumbnail of the map 'Blah.' Thumbnail of the map 'BLAAAAAH!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Final breath'
Nucking Futs Sunbeam Giant Bread Failure to kill yourself Blah. BLAAAAAH!!!!!!! Final breath



I liked how the tiles worked with the objects.

Demo Data

Talk about hype.

Still, a good map.

3.5 > 4

Sometimes a normal map can be great...

this is far from amazing IMO, but i liked it: it looks like a map from the main game (modded launchpads apart), some tries to complete, not bad for highscoring... a good standard map
Demo Data

i agree

with skyline as well, although i don't hate the map. lol i guess you just struck a goldmine really, subbed at the right time or something.


That's my opinion of it Skyine. I don't see what's so amazing about it.
The gameplay was extremely standard in every way, especially the rockets. The tiles are lumpy and generic, gold and mine placement is sloppy at best, and the entire level just oozes out a sense of "that map I've played a million times before and never really liked".


lovely gameplay.
Demo Data
And I also don't get what the hype is all about.


get this out of here.

Generic, the floor guards thing is from frogs, unoriginal tiles. Standard play.

Closest I've gotten to an AGD. The tiles and the name kinda put me off from looking at it. But once I saw it, it was great.
Demo Data

Was at the top of the hot maps last night. And it is now. That's about 10 hours wow.

It's nice.

didn't like the rocket placement much. Nor the edited launchpads. In fact, almost everything seemed just a touch out of phase. You just can't please some people... I'm sorry.


:D :D

Rox timing of posting map??

35 ratings!

I'm about to cry.


yeah, this one is cool, your best i think, 4.
Demo Data

Way to go

Hog the hot maps page why don't you? I didn't like the one-ways, bounceblocks, or launchpads. Still a good map though.


Rounded off to 5 :P
Your maps are fun in general.
Fastest AGD yet -
Demo Data


we can all hope. o.O

Perfect map.

Gameplay is amazing, object placement is great, enemy placement is great, tiles fit in well with everything, and the launchpads make things a hell of a lot easier. Great job. 4.5 but i'll round up plus faved.
Speed AGD
Demo Data

I was

actually thinking about what you told me. With the zen tranquility, lol.

Good job, I actually like this. ;O


In other words, I agree with him.

&& you got a lot of ratings.


palemoon. <3

(I made this in like 20 minutes...shhhhh)


Not that fast but eh...
Demo Data
i made it farther without fbf than with...
Demo Data
very fun to fbf and probably enjoyable to play too...fbf is kinda a fetish on testing maps with me lol
Demo Data


velly velly nice


30 some comments.


it's ok. not the greatest, but it's average. i do like the tileset theme and mines though. the gameplay, however, is standard and average in my eyes. this map will get a 3.75/5, but i'll wait for now and let you enjoy your perfect 5 ;)


that user's been dealt with, for the time being at least.. 6_6


Faster speedrun
Demo Data

Faster AGD

Cool map
Demo Data


did you delist all of adam's maps?

I wonder if I'll ever be this good to beat levels like this.

kinda short



Very Good.

Fav'd :)

This is brilliant.

My fave from you, Blackson.


I hated it, this level is incredibly irritating.

Or maybe I just suck at it...
Demo Data