
Thumbnail of the map 'Adventure'

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Author Hajtun
Tags author:hajtun fun medium puzzle rated thwumps
Created 2008-08-04
Last Modified 2008-08-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Just a fun map.
Nothing else to say about it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Prison' Thumbnail of the map 'Spontaneous Combustion' Thumbnail of the map 'The Opposite'
The Prison Spontaneous Combustion The Opposite


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has nothing to do with map quality. Circle [] for example. I agree with pretty much everything atob said.
then it's good regardless of your age here. Some newer members map better than this, some older nowhere as well. It's relative.

Also: switches under gold will probably get you rated down quite often (regardless of your own taste, most regard how the gold doesn't cover the switch evenly as a very basic design error on the mappers part), but that's your call.


I agree with some stuff that you said about the gold and the twhumps but i totally disagree about the switches under the gold, i think it looks much better this way.
But also dont forget that this is just my fifth map and that im new at this.


The only part of this that's puzzling is the final thwump, but then that's more awkward than real brain work.


quite sluggish to play and the entire thing seems very uninspired. The gold deson't seem earned and none of the challenges are interesting/exciting/slick enough to prevent the experience dulling.

Below average, imo, I can't find anything fun about this.

Also, hiding door switches under gold (gold sits awkwardly on top) looks very amateurish and detracts from the aesthetic impact.

The tiles, while unrefined, are my favourite aspect.

I will try

To make an AGD of this level ^^