Spontaneous Combustion

Thumbnail of the map 'Spontaneous Combustion'

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Author Hajtun
Tags author:hajtun fun playable rated
Created 2008-08-03
Last Modified 2008-08-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is my second map that I made.
I dont really liked this map because it doesnt seems so flowy, but I still decided to post it.
Please rate, comment and enjoy my second level!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Prison'
The Prison


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It almost looks the same :p
Didnt knew that XD

Obviously inspired

by: []

Plays like an unrefined/dumbed down version of the above. Nothing particularly wrong with it, but nothing that great either.

It just doesn't seem to gel in most places.
It is strikingly similar. This map plays okay at most, with way too many redundant objects. Hidden objects usually do not make for good gameplay, and this is an example. The switches also give the map a overly complex and troublesome feel to it. Also, there was too much going on in the middle.

Still good for a second map.
this is a pretty fun map.


Just because this one is not so good and I saw what you CAN do so NR.

Too many switches

even if you dont need them all

good for a second, though. 2