
Thumbnail of the map 'elevate'

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Author tt777
Tags author:tt777 nreality test unrated
Created 2008-08-03
Last Modified 2008-08-03
Map Data

Description is this a good nreality effect?

p.s. how do you make objects have a path such as a bounceblock?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'n-reality challenge part 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Minefield' Thumbnail of the map 'DDA 1 NR+' Thumbnail of the map 'uncom dda' Thumbnail of the map 'My first NRCC'
Simple Challenge n-reality challenge part 1 Minefield DDA 1 NR+ uncom dda My first NRCC


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i still have no idea what your talking about
you just need some imagination. I included a demo here, so you can see how it's done, but you can find lots more on Nreality (though mine is the best =D )
Demo Data


wat r u guys talking about?. i bet id know if i could make a map, i know this will sound bad but i dunno how to make a map and dont have the N manual. i suck so bad that i cant even do this map as well! i wish someone would tell me....


but i have a feeling that will improve after you take a look at this [] and this []
append ^^^customPath,PathID,Direction,speed

Path ID: SURFACE FOLLOW Clock Wise = 0; SURFACE FOLLOW Counter Clock Wise = 1; WANDER Clock Wise= 2; WANDER Counter Clock Wise = 3; WANDER ALTERNATING = 4; WANDER RANDOM = 5; Nreality CustomPath = 6; Circular Movement = 7;

Also added is circular movement for objects. It will use objects' original position as center x,y PathID is 7 ^^^,7,0,speed,startAngle,Radius

Coordinate pathing was added recently as well, look it up