looks like an atom

Thumbnail of the map 'looks like an atom'

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Author fghjkl969
Tags author:fghjkl969 n-art-ish unrated
Created 2008-07-07
Last Modified 2008-07-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'just 4 fun' Thumbnail of the map 'my first DoorEerie' Thumbnail of the map 'a lil' bit of everything' Thumbnail of the map 'trap-door insanity for your brain!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'FREE-TILESET!!!!! Thx T-Dawgg' Thumbnail of the map 'My very first KRADDA'
just 4 fun my first DoorEerie a lil' bit of everything trap-door insanity for your brain!!!!! FREE-TILESET!!!!! Thx T-Dawgg My very first KRADDA


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that's why it's tagged n-art, which means it's non-playable brainstone you dumbass!!


waste of space and time:
- You can´t play it
-It looks not good
-everyone could make it in 30 sec.