
Thumbnail of the map 'Skatepark'

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Author Hellheart
Tags action author:hellheart playable rated
Created 2008-05-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Yeah yeah, the name's probably been used dozens of times, but I feel it applies too well to resist :x

Well, I'm back, although I have precious little time to spend on maps. This one took far longer than it should, but I'm very pleased with the result. Initially I thought it was mediocre, but it grew on me. It plays well and feels open, which is rare for me. The first couple jumps (the jump to the chute and the first jump into the mines) are tough, but I kept them that way because they're early. The jump to the top-middle is optional because it's devilishly hard, even for me, so be thankful!

Difficulty is medium. Much lower in difficulty than most of my maps. Completion demo included, as always.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing on Razorblades' Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunking' Thumbnail of the map 'Apprehension' Thumbnail of the map 'Iron Tusk' Thumbnail of the map 'Metamorphosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed-Dodging'
Dancing on Razorblades Spelunking Apprehension Iron Tusk Metamorphosis Speed-Dodging


Pages: (0)

But good overall.

Completion Demo

I start out fast initially, but hadn't had the practice to go past the middle without slowing down. Which is fine, because you can do it faster :p

The jumps over and through the mines are particularly well done. Make sure you've practiced the gauss on the right before you start a demo.
Demo Data