#10 - How?

Thumbnail of the map '#10 - How?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bhz
Tags author:bhz bounceblock playable simple-challenge unrated wallslide
Created 2008-04-25
Last Modified 2008-06-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description There's a bounceblock placed on the exit, and you can wallslide on it.

Ten simple challenges! []
EDIT: forgot to reset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '#6 - Jumping the Unjumpable' Thumbnail of the map '#7 - Thwump + Launchpad = Porplusion' Thumbnail of the map '#8 - Thwump Timer' Thumbnail of the map '#9 - Jump OVER?' Thumbnail of the map 'wtf?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Take cover!'
#6 - Jumping the Unjumpable #7 - Thwump + Launchpad = Porplusion #8 - Thwump Timer #9 - Jump OVER? wtf?! Take cover!


Pages: (0)

Tied Fastest.

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Or not

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oops...forgot to submit :p

Quickest I can get.

Pretty easy.
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this is...

probably the easiest map i ever played

Fastest on NReality

Btw, is your run under speedrun mode? 'Cuz it's not there in highscore mode... :/
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