
Thumbnail of the map 'Antidisestablishmentarianism'

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Author (-IRON_MAIDEN-)
Tags action author:(-iron_maiden-) racism story unrated
Created 2008-03-20
Last Modified 2008-03-20
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description did i spell it right any way!

This map is all about how racism is destroying our society.
Dunno if it looks like it shows this but what the heck!!
Anyway so:

A jamaican man walks into a coffee shop and sits down. Looks around and notices that he is the only black person in there. The shop owner walks up to him and says "Sorry sir no coloured people allowed in here". The jamaican gentleman stands up and says "When im sick im black, when im cold im black, when im hot im black and when i get flustered im black" pokes shop owner in chest "But you sir" Looks away "When your sick your green, when your cold your blue, when your hot your red and when your flustered your pink" Pokes him once more in chest "AND YOU DARE CALL ME COLOURED" Pushes his glasses up his nose and rushes out.

Rate this 5/5 If you are with me on stopping racism in England. Or just rate it as you see right.

Other maps by this author

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The dog insane Asylum Jabir Ibn Hayr'n Sword in hand Stage 1: DDA Combustable Eagle Don't argue with teh noobiness


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spelt it right...