The dog insane Asylum

Thumbnail of the map 'The dog insane Asylum'

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Author (-IRON_MAIDEN-)
Tags author:(-iron_maiden-) flowy fun race rated
Created 2008-02-25
Last Modified 2008-02-26
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I thank the maker of the tileset i cannot remember the name but the tileset is named There Is No Hope For You Phailed Life.!!!
Im so SORRY I ded this to daggafork all credit for the tileset to daggafork

Other maps by this author

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Choose your own Destiny! Scale this BI*** The octopus of much confusianatipion!!!!


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Demo Data


Thx, but I wanted the tileset done, not more race. And please credit MY name not the other MAP's name.

It was by DaggaFork
Drone was a bit off if you went too fast, going too fast for a race is bad. Nice use of the tileset, the crook on the right wasn't good but the tileset wasn't yours so unfair to rate for that. And the jump for the Exit switch was unexpected, as it was no-jump up to that point. I liked the rocket at the end though, "The s*** I'm flying straight at it" moment.
Overall nice 3.

And to search title names use: title:"title of map"


A little straightforward but nice!

Demo Data


But simple and fun 4/5