Thumbnail of the map 'UFO'

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Author sidke
Tags action author:sidke bitesized playable quick rated rockets
Created 2008-02-15
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description You're safe in your alien rocket-resistant house. Unfortunately your neighbor's house didn't survive. But wait! Oh no! You forgot you had given your PSP to them for the night! NO!!! Now it's your job to go get it and get back to your place without dying. I mean really... Is a PSP to die for?


Pages: (0)


yeah :-)
Demo Data


demo XD
Demo Data

Sub-1000 AGD

Sidke first map is awesome.



Faster NGD

Demo Data

Oh btw

It was kind of a silly level, but I liked UFO 3. I don't know how well it would be received if you reposted it; I'm just letting you know that I liked it enough to keep it.


No offense, but I don't think whoever bitesized it understood the way it was intended to be played, especially because the trapdoors are hidden. If you don't go for an AGD (and you don't watch any demos), you'd have no idea.

Btw, as a puzzle, I would've rated this a 4, and I could then understand a bitesize (though I wouldn't size it myself... if I had such capabilities).

Wow... *_*

I actually got a bitesize??? Awesome... but I seriously didn't think this map would deserve one... Nevertheless, thanks a lot!


this does not deserve a 4.5 and bitesize... i would give it probably a 3...not crazy fun, too easy with the trapdoors


is demo data in the map data box..

fucking fun

Demo Data
I deleted the rest of the 'UFO' series. They were too easy, pointless, and trivial. I just feel much better not crowding the server with more useless maps...


good map i like it
Demo Data
Pretend there are no trapdoors. As such, it's a puzzle AND it makes it okay to overkill on the rockets (because that's the point - just 2 or 3 rockets isn't so tricky). I seriously doubt you intended that, though. But still, I'm gonna rate it based on that. 3.5.
Demo Data

Here It Is!


I'll dedicate the map to you

Hey, NP

No problem. Of course you can use it! I'm glad to share ^_^ I'm even more glad that someone can use it better than me. A little mention of me would be awesome!

Glad I could help!


Have a great idea for this map. Do i have your permission to make a separate map using a similar tileset and possibly similar item layout? If you say yes, then i will dedicate the map i make to you. So what do you say?

faster agd

Demo Data


Nah, you could loot your friend's house and buy 5 PSP's...

Nice first map

i like it
Demo Data

lol lemon007. the point is that the PSP is to die for. its a joke. ...
Demo Data

Very Nice Level

I like concept. Better than my first. 4.5/5
Demo Data

I like it.


Its pretty good for a first map.. But yea, too many rockets.


a psp isnt to die for and it would probably be broken before you got to it

dont use so many rockets, 2 or 3 is enough
but its ok for a first
Demo Data

Please rate...

It's my first map and I would like to see if this is okay. Any kind of comment would help me see what kind of map to make next.