N Wars

Thumbnail of the map 'N Wars'

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Author GoldMech
Tags action author:goldmech playable rated
Created 2005-08-05
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Get the locks on both sides and dodge the thwumps/rockets..
Kinda hard =P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jumper Frenzy' Thumbnail of the map 'Cross Rounds' Thumbnail of the map 'Nameless' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival of the Thwumps' Thumbnail of the map 'I Hate Obstacles'
Jumper Frenzy Cross Rounds Nameless Survival of the Thwumps I Hate Obstacles


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I'm not a fan, really. I just didn't think it was fun, or pointful.

Cool idea, OK execution. It PLEASEs so many people here more when you dont use excess amounts of rocket launchers or gaus turrets. Seriously, CHECK OUT comments on some """newbie""' maps. MY opinion is that most people overreact about this stuff, and you dont seem to do it too much with your MAPS, but still....while i guess its different in this case, still.....AND i did like how you just sort of float around when in the central, chaotic section. Adds some difficulty. I would RATE this map a 3/5. THEM.