Survival of the Thwumps

Thumbnail of the map 'Survival of the Thwumps'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GoldMech
Tags action author:goldmech playable rated
Created 2005-07-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Just get through each level with the thwumps in your way xP

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jumper Frenzy' Thumbnail of the map 'Cross Rounds' Thumbnail of the map 'Nameless'
Jumper Frenzy Cross Rounds Nameless


Pages: (0)


GoldMech and I live in the same house.

Good map (3/5)

Hmm, astro himself had to get his inspiration from somewhere. Quit being so pompous, bra.

its actually

good but easy... and astro... this map is pretty different from urs but ya lol

Hye astro....

There are many of this type of maps out here... there is no need for you to go and critisize someone's map in that manner... telling them that they "Copied YOUR concept". Think things through before you act "brother".


He DID get his inspiration from *somewhere*


it's not just your concept. it's quite common. and a concept like
this one's better:

i didn't complete it, but your way hardly works, as you can see.
Demo Data


Proof :D

Too easy

2.5/5, and great way to copy my concept brother.