You can't handle Pajatso

Thumbnail of the map 'You can't handle Pajatso'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author maestro
Tags author:maestro bitesized pajatso rated test
Created 2008-02-03
Last Modified 2008-02-04
by 37 people.
Map Data

Description I don't know how many there are because I tired of the concept.

"Hey, I bet your computer can't handle this shit"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Milking a Mechanical Cow. (Bishops & Rooks.)' Thumbnail of the map 'krusch stole my innocence' Thumbnail of the map 'whereyouare' Thumbnail of the map '650nm District / Fiat Lux / Clusterfuck / Compulsory Spelunking / Optional Gravitas / Electric Wire Soundz / Compound Fractures / Run The India Video Hire / Forty Tasty Reasons / Tesla Foilt' Thumbnail of the map 'Curtains (Retribution)' Thumbnail of the map 'Hats suck why would you wear them'
Milking a Mechanical Cow. (Bishops & Rooks.) krusch stole my innocence whereyouare 650nm District / Fiat Lux / Clusterfuck / Compulsory Spelunking / Optional Gravitas / Electric Wire Soundz / Compound Fractures / Run The India Video Hire / Forty Tasty Reasons / Tesla Foilt Curtains (Retribution) Hats suck why would you wear them


Pages: (0)

wat is bitesized?


That I moder/administr-ate. I don't approve of these things being bitesized, however.

I bet

my comp can. *sigh* same as all the rest.
I just hate when well-respected members try to make a joke by submitting a crappy map. In a way, it's just spam.

Unless I'm missing something here.

But, 0.

Oh man

I'm close to rofling. If that's a word. Anyways, faved, but NR for now.




I now get this maps greatness. I played it over a few times and I get it. An N-art, action, and HRJUTWDTRGTGDTMGBTEUYCS DDA! Quite impressive and worthy of a size.

I love you guys.

I really do.

Thank you

for making me wait five minutes for this to load.

it took

at least 5 minutes to load

I hope you guys are

joking. Seriously.

Such low ratings.

Darn snipers.

You can't size

your own maps. I still don't understand, this is ridiculous.


It was sized straight away, so maestro sized it perhaps




/me grins.


How did you get the rockets to turn in to drones when the level is complete? What code editing did you do?


When I played this map, I immediately got shot by 20 rockets.
Who bitesized this? At least own up to it. N/R


I give up... this map rocks.
Everything is perfect, brilliant, flawless.
Awesome object placement and worthy of a bitesize.
Great object placement, I like the minimalism. Gameplay is a bit stilted but the aesthetics make up for it.


How the hell can this be 'sized!
It's completely noob-ish!
I'm not rating btw




this map is bitesized!OMG.. this is stupid
Demo Data


I don't know if this is meant to be completed in fbf, but I made a demo of an attempt
Demo Data

the point?

too lazy to load


What is the point of this map? No rate until I know, and why is it sized?