Rat Bravado

Thumbnail of the map 'Rat Bravado'

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Author sneekfeet
Tags 222 author:sneekfeet playable rated
Created 2008-01-12
Last Modified 2008-01-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description You walk in to the building. It smells. There's pigeon shit everywhere. At the back of the building, Goatman and Pearl sit a desk, examining files. You look up, it's as if the roof didn't exist. The building was everlastingly tall. You could see the remnants of old floors, poking out of the walls. Gustav gestures towards a seat, next to Goatman's. You sit down, and the chair slowly creaks. It's midday. Gustav paces around the desk. "Tomorrow, my friends, is the end. Yet it is okay, because we will be safe... BUT! That is no reason to stop, we have much to do, in not much time." He triumphantly stood, smug. "Firstly we must get to my home land, Romania, and visit some friends of mine. No time to waste!" He began rushing to the car, the others followed. I caught up with Gustav, "But... we're in... London! How are we going to..." My voice drowned away, as I noticed car disappear, then appear again. Gustav chuckled, "Trust me, my friend, that is a very fast van."

A collab between Sneekfeet and Condog.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clay Hologram' Thumbnail of the map 'A Demons Blood (bleeding from your nose)' Thumbnail of the map 'Sleeping in a Tumbleweed' Thumbnail of the map 'Floor 222' Thumbnail of the map 'Pounding Industrial Jazz' Thumbnail of the map 'Like a Dove in Ghaza'
Clay Hologram A Demons Blood (bleeding from your nose) Sleeping in a Tumbleweed Floor 222 Pounding Industrial Jazz Like a Dove in Ghaza


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That last gauss is a bastard (when you're going for the gold).
Demo Data

See it all here:

2nd try

Demo Data

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