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as far as these go
id say this was fairly simplistic (altho they all technically are) - but what made this worse is the fact that it was large and caused lag. notice that when other people have done these they are concentrated on smaller areas. 3/5
Wait, it -has- been done before.
There's a bitesized map like of this on the page right now >.< And it's been done before anywayyyy.
Ah, well.
Ah, well.
You should tell people to play it in N.
Or else you'll get everyone saying things like xplode did.
I rather like the beginning of this. Sorta surprising, 'cos I haven't seen this done before... but then that's not saying much.
I rather like the beginning of this. Sorta surprising, 'cos I haven't seen this done before... but then that's not saying much.
When people make N-Art with just two items, it comes out to be lame. Not stupid, lame. And I don't give anything lower then 2, so 2.5 is good enough.
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