
Thumbnail of the map 'Lights'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author supernerd
Tags author:supernerd cool moving-n-art n-art nart rated route take they weird
Created 2007-11-21
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Just want a rated map!

Check out my other N-art!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mines and Rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Fancy Volcano' Thumbnail of the map 'One Way Quilt' Thumbnail of the map 'Validator *3' Thumbnail of the map 'Disco Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Flyin' Like a Turkey'
Mines and Rockets Fancy Volcano One Way Quilt Validator *3 Disco Lights I'm Flyin' Like a Turkey


Pages: (0)


That lagged my computer bad, and my computer doesn't get much faster.

Dual 2.8 Ghz Core Duo Extreme

as far as these go

id say this was fairly simplistic (altho they all technically are) - but what made this worse is the fact that it was large and caused lag. notice that when other people have done these they are concentrated on smaller areas. 3/5
There's a bitesized map like of this on the page right now >.< And it's been done before anywayyyy.

Ah, well.
Or else you'll get everyone saying things like xplode did.

I rather like the beginning of this. Sorta surprising, 'cos I haven't seen this done before... but then that's not saying much.


When people make N-Art with just two items, it comes out to be lame. Not stupid, lame. And I don't give anything lower then 2, so 2.5 is good enough.


has this been done before? anyway i really like it so 5aved.