Sliding Door Room // Library

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Tags author:palemoon pristine rated tower
Created 2007-08-11
Last Modified 2007-08-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Pristine Tower VII

Now, a you climb the Tower in the darkness of night, you progress slower, carefully choosing each step, silently calculating the path easiest to travel. Climbing up yet another set of lifeless stairs, something catches your eye, taking you unaware-- the yellowish tint of gold! Painfully aware of your slowing metabolism, even the smallest treasure trove of gold like this one makes you long for the happy bliss of the energy it provides. Unthinking in your hunger, you mistakenly press one black-clad foot onto a pressure plate in the floor. Instantly, heavy iron doors smash down to impede your progress.

Behind you you hear the whirring and clicking of ancient gears and cogs. You turn to see in the dim light three red orbs swing out on pivots attached to the walls. Their red targeting-eye glares malevolently in the darkness of the Tower, and their armor plating unfolds to reveal a missle rack, packed full of armed rockets hungry for ninja flesh. You frantically outrun them, and find yourself in the middle of a dusty library-- no doubt one mentioned in the legends you've heard about.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ruined Entryway // Meditation Halls' Thumbnail of the map 'Grand Atrium // Dusty Tombs' Thumbnail of the map 'Stair Room // Lower Balcony' Thumbnail of the map 'Clockwork Corridors // Guest Quarters' Thumbnail of the map 'Arboretum // Upper Balcony' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghost Way // King's Cloister'
Ruined Entryway // Meditation Halls Grand Atrium // Dusty Tombs Stair Room // Lower Balcony Clockwork Corridors // Guest Quarters Arboretum // Upper Balcony Ghost Way // King's Cloister


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Hotness prevails D:<


I heard you like mudkips

Same difficulty I know, but the rockets were more fun.

i disagree

i thought the rockets were more like a puzzle, finding a route that got you through easily, the last thwumps were just plain hard

In fact I thought those last thwumps were of the same difficulty as the 3 rockets.

Still I like this. Faved
tag each map in the series pristinetower so that you can post a numa search for the series
those last thwumps are a little overkill
Demo Data