
Thumbnail of the map 'Logorrhea'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mc_george
Tags action author:mc_george playable rated symmetry
Created 2007-08-09
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description You know, I think it may be better with a rocket instead of a gauss. It may make it a lot harder though. What do you guys think?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Desideratum' Thumbnail of the map 'Inexorable' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 09' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 10' Thumbnail of the map 'Sotto voce' Thumbnail of the map 'Confabulation'
Desideratum Inexorable Simple Challenge 09 Simple Challenge 10 Sotto voce Confabulation


Pages: (0)


"Logorrhea" by mc_george

O - 3/5

A - 6/10

G - 12.5/15


Man, this level just rocks if you try and go fast.


rocket.. you say it would be harder? Repalce the gauss with a rocket and watch your demo.. you got pretty long there.. even with a rocket xD

I would say that a rocket WOULD be better =)


well, you can do this with no use of thumps.. which I don't liek here.. (because thumps look like they are a need in this map..)

And has been done (similar) before.. well, only 4 from me. =)

All gold demo

It's fast.
Demo Data