
Thumbnail of the map 'Growth'

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Author Follow_your_bliss
Tags artistic author:follow_your_bliss growth n-art tileset unrated useable
Created 2007-08-08
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Here is my second tileset, growth. It's better than the last, I think.

BTW, those little triangles next to the flowers on the veritcal plant are bees.

Give me credit if you are going to use!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Planet 4: Dredge, wall of despair' Thumbnail of the map 'Eeriely beatiful (door eerie)' Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth (door eerie adaptation)' Thumbnail of the map 'Ancient Construct (door eerie)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Classroom' Thumbnail of the map 'The Fight Tileset'
Planet 4: Dredge, wall of despair Eeriely beatiful (door eerie) Labyrinth (door eerie adaptation) Ancient Construct (door eerie) The Classroom The Fight Tileset