Imprisoned In Your Own Prison

Thumbnail of the map 'Imprisoned In Your Own Prison'

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Author victimbf2
Tags action author:victimbf2 playable rated
Created 2007-08-01
Last Modified 2007-08-07
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A Drone Dodging Cavern Map. I found it to be quite fun. Challenging. What do you think? Some demos will be nice. Rating and comments as well. Hope you enjoy.

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When can the sundry rock the approaching passenger? Every Action has a Reaction Big, Dark Grey...ish And I... I told you everything loud and clear Schism


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I love how you can push yourself to pass the drones there and back. 4.

Really nice!

Doesn't lag either! Getting all gold isn't much of a challenge, but then again, I like it like that.