Pooper Plus++

Thumbnail of the map 'Pooper Plus++'

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Author fastlane350
Tags action author:fastlane350 n-art playable rated
Created 2007-07-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Plus Plus version!
now complete with realistic Diarrhea action!
"sit back and let it all go"
with this realistic pooping simulator.

*note* i am aware of the large badonkadonk

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pooper Plus+' Thumbnail of the map 'City Scape' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tallest Statue' Thumbnail of the map 'Super-charged' Thumbnail of the map 'Satelite' Thumbnail of the map 'Pharoh's Land'
Pooper Plus+ City Scape The Tallest Statue Super-charged Satelite Pharoh's Land


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Not working for me

But the concept is cool.


right cause when people get diarrhea they explode and their libs get electrocuted.

Note from author

Of course you cant play it, it wouldn't look like the big stick figure guy was pooping if you didn't expload into chunks when you hit his rear now would it?

*side note* it looks alot more realistic if you use that yellowish brown skin on your n guy XD

Is this a joke?

You can't even play it!