
Thumbnail of the map 'Diablo'

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Author Gogiga_Gagagigo
Tags action author:gogiga_gagagigo playable rated
Created 2005-06-28
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description Hello! I'm back on NUMA. Some maybe runs away crying or something, but it will not happen again. (Multiple Accounts)
Hope you like the first map! (Deleted all others.)
Worked 3/4 of the time on the tileset. Enjoy!
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dont multiaccount

see reminders on front page
object placement wasn't much better. above average. 3/5

Very great level...

Good theme too...


definately fun. like formica, the main thing that bugs me are the mines and resultingly long load time. 4/5.

Please, Maniak.

Because of that. Vote the level 5.
*Smashes Maniak*

*runs away*



Very solid map, looks great, is easily playable. The mines and load time slightly bug me... but, not much.

It's great fun, and really 'works'. So a 'high'-ish 4/5.

Love it.

Awesome. Great design, fun, smooth gameplay. 5!