kracken returns as a DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'kracken returns as a DDA'

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Author b3njamin
Tags ass author:b3njamin b3njamin dda fire on rated
Created 2007-07-29
Last Modified 2007-07-29
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description madness completely madness.
It has 20+ drones with non-stop massive close calls.
This dda is 900 frame long close calls

N's ass is on fire of those close calls
really watch it
its reeeeeeally hard to make, I think.


tiles: marty:

Other madness dda:
and a kradda:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Watch your head' Thumbnail of the map 'run-away kid' Thumbnail of the map 'Tour de France' Thumbnail of the map 'thwump power' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Bricks' Thumbnail of the map 'madness'
Watch your head run-away kid Tour de France thwump power Broken Bricks madness


Pages: (0)

no nion on on no no

kracken is a map that in_dub made and yes its kraken that marty (hehe) made I know!

yes b3njamin

its name is kracken but it is spelt KRAKEN
cool DDA anyway 4/5


that was really fun to watch.
I can't make good tilesets
I can't make good tilesets


about the DDA, it's not particularly special, but it's a great effort and was fun to watch. I don't rate down for the use of other people's tiles, so 4/5.


lololol alw lawlawlaw lawl awl lawl lawl.

His name is "martyr' as in someone who sacrifices themself for a cause they believe in and become a hero or saint because of it.

very good

many close calls but lots of gold delay on the jump pads
tee hee u called him marty