N SkeeBall

Thumbnail of the map 'N SkeeBall'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Kublai_Khan
Tags action author:kublai_khan playable unrated
Created 2007-07-28
Last Modified 2007-07-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a N-game version of Skeeball.

(Kudos to Magicorange25 for knowing that)

N version is pretty straightforward. Hurl yourself down one of three chutes onto the mines, and attempt to get your five body parts into the slots on the slope opposite. The gold above the partition denotes how many points you get for having a body part touching that partition.

Feel free to post demos with your best scores!

*Note: Very much inspired by 99turtle99's BowliNg level*

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I know you're not meant to do this, but...
Demo Data
Gets stuck on one of the doors? Like, impaled on one? What happens then?

all gold

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So demos are useless.

Anyway, 39.


is that good? i'm high.
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alot faster
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my best score is 9

but you cant post demos, mine deaths differ when replayed

I win!

Demo Data
I'm not sure if it is or is not one word, though.