High five

Thumbnail of the map 'High five'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author turtles
Tags author:turtles gauss-e-ating unrated
Created 2007-07-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this took forever to make
i think its sorta hard
you just gotta know how to work the gauss

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Boombox' Thumbnail of the map 'Chemical Reaction' Thumbnail of the map 'Bug Juice' Thumbnail of the map 'Revolutionary' Thumbnail of the map 'BowliNg' Thumbnail of the map 'The humble king'
Boombox Chemical Reaction Bug Juice Revolutionary BowliNg The humble king


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almost a full AGD.

I like this whole map, and now that I have the jumpy thing down, I think I could beat it, but not usaswim's time... oh well.
Demo Data
sorry I wasnt here.

ill see if i can make one up for you


Demo Data

It's possible

It's frustrating to do the entire demo
i couldnt demo fully for you.


yes...i agree


fucking hell, man, how do I get through there???
Demo Data