One-Way Flight

Thumbnail of the map 'One-Way Flight'

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Author calamity7
Tags author:calamity7 closecalls flowy fun gold one-ways playable race rated rockets
Created 2007-07-18
Last Modified 2007-07-18
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description i wanted a race with a lot of one-ways. here it is. it has a pretty nice flow and a few close calls. if u do it exactly right, then there should be no harm done. please rate and comment and eNjoy!

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Advanced Arms false advertisement Rescue Attempt #1 Rescue Attempt #2(resub) Prey Opaque


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I like it

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ya, its cheatable

but i just dont see the point in cheating on a race. i think it just ruins it. but i suppose i could have made it so it wasnt cheatable. oh well! dang! just one more vote!


It's pretty good. A little on the easy side, but flowy and fun. 4.5/5
Demo Data
It's to go with the flow and have fun.

If you care about cheatability, it is even more cheatable than what is shown in your demo.
Demo Data


I LOVED IT! It would of had a 5/5 if it wasnt the way i cheated it here hehehe...
Demo Data

This is a race.

What's it doing in the action section?
I know that it has some actiony parts, bt the race overcomes the action, so it's an actiony-race!


just in case.
Demo Data